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20 October 2023

Vehicle Message - Volvo Construction Equipment

Vehicle Message

Error code yang ditampilkan pada display unit berupa vehicle message, terdiri dari kombinasi karakter dengan tampilan dan makna berikut ini : 

Misalnya error code "Temperature sensor engine oil, too high voltage"

Position 1

Mengindikasikan tipe atau fungsi component yang menyebabkan munculnya error code. Singkatan component dapat dilihat dari huruf 2-3 huruf pertama dari error code.

  • EF : Electric function[T1] 
  • HE : Heating coil
  • MA : Solenoid valve
  • PWM : Pulse width modulated valve
  • RE : Relay:
  • SE : Sensor or monitor
  • SW : Switches

[T1] EF-error code tidak langsung menghubungkan dengan kerusakan component secara spesifik. Error code ini sering muncul bersamaan dengan warning merah atau  warning kuning.

Position 2a & 2b

Menyatakan nomor component, dimana 2a menandakan function group dan 2b adalah angka yang berurutan dalam function group.

  • (0) General
  • (1) Standard part, Service
  • (2) Engine with mounting and equipment
    • 20 General
    • 21 Engine
    • 22 Lubricating system
    • 23 Fuel system
    • 25 Inlet system; Exhaust system
    • 26 Cooling system
    • 27 Engine control 
    • 29 Miscelleneous
  • (3) Electrical system; Warning system; Information system; Instruments
    • 30 General
    • 31 Battery
    • 32 Alternator; Charge regulator
    • 33 Starting system
    • 35 Lighting
    • 36 Other electrical equipment
    • 37 Cable; Fuse; Relay
    • 38 Instrument; Sensor; Warning and Information system
    • 39 Miscelleneous
  • (4) Power Transmission
    • 40 General
    • 41 Transmission; Hydraulic control
    • 42 Gearbox
    • 43 Propeller shaft
    • 44 Hydrostatic drive
    • 45 Front axle; Rear axle
    • 47 Power take-off
    • 49 Miscelleneous
  • (5) Brake
    • 50 General
    • 51 Wheel brake
    • 52 Hydraulic brake system
    • 55 Parking brake
    • 56 Compressed-air brake
    • 59 Miscelleneous
  • (6) Steering
    • 60 General
    • 61 Steering
  • (7) Frame; Spring; Damping; Axle suspension; Wheel/Track unit
    • 71 Frame
    • 72 Suspension
    • 74 Frame link
    • 75 Axle suspension
    • 77 Wheel; Track; Tyre; Hub; Drum
  • (8) Machinery house; Cab; Exterior
    • 80 General
    • 81 Cab
    • 82 Engine hood; mudguard; foot step
    • 83 Door
    • 84 Trim parts
    • 85 Cab interior
    • 87 Air conditioning unit
    • 88 Interior equipment
  • (9) Hydraulic system; Digging/Handling/Grading equipment; Misc. equipment
    • 90 General
    • 91 Working hydraulic; Servo hydraulic
    • 94 Unit; loading handling
    • 95 Load carrier
    • 99 Miscelleneous

Position 3

Menyatakan FMI-code berdasarkan SAE standard J1587. FMI (Failure Mode Identifier) mendiskripsikan tipe error yang dapat menyebabkan munculnya error code.

00 Data valid but above normal operating range (diatas normal)
01 Data valid but below normal operating range (dibawah normal)
02 Intermittent or incorrect data (muncul/hilang atau data salah)
03 Abnormally high voltage or short-circuit to higher voltage (short terhadap tegangan yang lebih tinggi)
04 Abnormally low voltage or short-circuit to lower voltage (short terhadap tegangan yang lebih rendah)
05 Abnormally low current or open circuit (rangkaian terputus)
06 Abnormally high current or short-circuit to frame ground (short terhadap ground)
07 Incorrect reply from mechanical systems or "mechanical error" (kerusakan komponen mekanikal)
08 Abnormal frequency
09 Abnormal updating rate
10 Abnormally wide variations
11 Unidentifiable malfunction or "other error"
12 Defective unit or component
13 Calibration value outside limits
14 Special instructions
15 Reserved for future use

FMI 0 dan 1 mengindikasikan nilai diluar batas normal. Hal ini kan memunculkan error code dengan warning. Warning akan muncul pada display unit dan melalui red central warning lamp.

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